By Kyle Hailey Most enterprise business customers today face a plethora of challenges in order to migrate their massive applications to the cloud environment. For instance, many enterprise applications are so large that one of the easiest ways to migrate a customer environment to the cloud is to physically ship the customer storage disks to…

By Adam Stern Nearly everyone agrees on the key benefits of virtual servers — scalability, improved resource utilization, reduced operational costs, instant provisioning, and the ability to quickly expand the server base.  But there is no “one size fits all” consensus around private vs. public cloud servers. The selection of a public vs. private cloud…

The last changes to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach Rules had recently been released. Such rules were first implemented the summer of 2012. It also contains how cloud computing providers are to be treated by the healthcare industry. According to the HIPAA standard, the cloud vendors are business associates and as business associates…

How small and medium-sized organizations can manage their IT risks and maintain regulatory compliance with minimal staff and budget. Keeping IT systems secure and running within regulatory compliance mandates, especially for mid-sized and even small businesses, seems next to impossible. There are many reasons for this – but fortunately, several recent technological trends show that…