Launches New Features for Mobile Users has made its commitment to offer more diverse applications and features for its mobile users. The company is targeting workers who have a need to constantly share files and documents, to do this they have updated their Android application last Thursday to support tablet PCs. To accomplish these additional features added RIM’s PlayBook and modified their website using HTML5 features. being an enterprise cloud-based storage sharing platform showed that in the first two quarters of 2011 until the month of July, there was a significant increase in the mobile user’s application implementation. It showed a 600% increase from the figures shown in 2010.

To begin with, the iRig Microphone will be a very useful tool for podcasters, musicians and voice over talents who are using iPhone, iPad and iPod.

Aaron Levie, co-founder and CEO of Box pointed out that in spite the fact that Apple’s iPad has dictated the tablet enterprise, Box is hoping to support more platforms in the cloud mobile computing business.

Levie said “The future of enterprise mobility won’t be owned by any one platform, and we’re investing aggressively to deliver an unparalleled experience across all devices in a way that platform-committed vendors like Microsoft fundamentally cannot.”

Recent developments showed that Apple’s iCloud will add new features that will include data storage for iOS, Mac OS X Lion and Windows Vista 7. This is good news since Apple does not support Android webOS, it will open new possibilities for the Box Enterprise.

Box released new service applications for HP’s TouchPad and Apple’s iPad, which were only available in the past for mobile phones. Statistics from Box showed that it had recorded more than 400,000 downloads for iOS while more than 100,000 downloads were from Android.

The same figures showed that the market share doubled from the second quarter of 2010 until the second quarter of 2011. This was from the combined mobile smartphone users from both Android and iOS. Gartner research reported on Thursday that “Google and Apple are the obvious winners in the smartphone ecosystem.” Gartner further stated that they foresee a stronger competition as RIM partners with BlackBerry 7 on their transition to QNX.

A spokesperson from Box said in an email correspondence that “We’ve seen several large customers request cross-the-board support for iOS, Android, and Playbook. We’ve also had deals come in based on all of these platforms.”

Although is embracing HTML5 for its web apps, it will continue to support traditional operating systems. And as part of their new service offerings can now allow posting of comments, viewing and sharing files and folders and searching the data content using mobile browsers.

Box uses Ajax, CSS3 animations, data attributes and now HTML5 elements and Web Storage to improve their service offerings. Further developments are being done to support offline storage capability for Box feature in the future.

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