A global survey has shown that it is very common that companies of all sizes suffer damage due to the use of public cloud applications that are not managed or integrated within the company’s IT infrastructure. Symantec has released the results of a survey conducted by ReRez in the months of September and October 2012…

GoDaddy is currently undergoing a significant transformation in their efforts to provide more value to customers, and probably as a way of keeping up with the rapid advancements in the field. The newest addition to their series of 21st century makeovers is the roll-out of a Content-Delivery Network, or CDN. What’s a CDN? Content-Delivery Networks…

Red Hat was able to close a deal with ManageIQ last month for $104 million. With its new acquisition, the company will be able to strengthen its CloudForms infrastructure-as-a-service management tool. Meant to be offered as a “single pane of glass management” for private and public cloud infrastructures, Red Hat will be competing against VMware,…

For many organizations, a hybrid cloud architecture is the best way to take advantage of the benefits of public cloud computing resources without compromising on security or operational control. And yet the challenges and concerns over how to integrate with cloud environments and maintain control over security and performance continue to inhibit broader adoption. This…

Cloud Computing is taking off in various parts of the globe, partly because companies are now realizing the great potential of cloud computing technology when it comes to cost efficiency, productivity, agility, and operational flexibility. However, Canadian companies seem to be lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to the adoption of…

On the occasion of the Open Compute Summit which was held from January 16 to 17 in Santa Clara, the giants of the computer industry have strides toward the goal of setting standards for the most efficient server, storage and data center hardware. The Open Compute Project (OCP) draft initiated by Facebook in April 2011…

The monolithic corporation we grew up with is being replaced by ecosystems of more specialized business entities, sometimes called “extended enterprises.” With this evolution has come a need for closer inter-enterprise collaboration and information flow – but with it also comes increased security and compliance risks. In the form of a Q&A with expert IDC…

The last changes to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach Rules had recently been released. Such rules were first implemented the summer of 2012. It also contains how cloud computing providers are to be treated by the healthcare industry. According to the HIPAA standard, the cloud vendors are business associates and as business associates…