Businesses are nearly reaching IT tipping point as businesses and enterprises become dependent with workers and staff from the cloud and mobile platforms. The cloud and mobile business solutions are clearly making great waves that are way beyond expectations and what business owners have expected. The bigger question to ask is where traditional IT will fit as cloud-based-software, data management and consumerization becomes the trend in the global market?
The traditional way of planning, setting up architecture and IT management and control will never be the same again. The reality of IT losing its luster over the cloud enterprise is a bitter-sweet realization for several IT professionals, but is gaining more popularity with business enterprises. Cloud computing is definitely here to stay and is expected to gain more control in the coming years. Along with the cloud, the mobile industry will go hand in hand in popularity as it becomes the most accessible means to access the cloud framework. The mobile cloud solutions will become the personal IT device that can seamlessly integrate applications with just a click of a finger.
The latest Compuware survey reported that computer information officers (CIOs) are pressured to move swiftly with the cloud trend. They are taking all the pressure from businesses to be able to have a quick solution for technology issues, so businesses can provide uninterrupted services.
This should come as no surprise because as more and more businesses get on the public cloud there will be numerous applications and services that will merge and integrate. This will simultaneously put more pressure to CIOs as the business is expected to provide easier and cheaper consumer services.
With the pressure from business enterprises and consumers also come countless Web applications like the iOS and Android mobile apps that can be used to seamlessly integrate services for a fee. Various App stores have also opened up to provide easy access to mobile software that is safe and secure. The App store is seen to bridge the gap between the supply and demand from the consumers. The app stores will also allow businesses some degree of management and control over their own cloud platform set up.
The cloud trend is already irreversible and the IT has nowhere to go but upgrade their skills in technology and administration. More businesses are seeing a brighter future with the cloud as expenditures from CIO budget are cut by as much as 30%. What IT professionals need to focus on is how to make themselves as competitive in the market as the competition grows very stiff. CIOs are losing their grip over SaaS vendors and Web application developers, which come in very cost-effective, efficient and revenue earning for any business.