With the steady adoption of cloud computing services by call centers in South Africa, Ishe Zingoni believes that cloud computing adoption rate will accelerate for the next 5 years. He is an ICT industry analyst of Frost & Sullivan who addressed the IT Web’s Virtualization and Cloud Computing Summit recently. According to Zingoni, cloud computing adoption by local call centers was only in the market cycle’s development state. He noted that the adoption is lower compared to other developed markets.
Ishe Zingoni also said that cloud computing adoption barriers among call centers include a misunderstanding of the cloud concept, a noticeable lack of control, security concerns, and high investments. In South Africa, infrastructure-as-a-service is growing steadily while software-as-a-service is in its development phase. On a global scale, the cloud computing market can generate revenue by as much as $241 billion for the next 5 years.
Zingoni believes that cloud computing adoption will continuously grow and can capture up to 24% of the call center market. As of now, only 8% of these call centers are currently using cloud computing services. Although call center installations have slowed as an effect of the global economic crisis, Ishe Zingoni believes that hosted call centers will be on the up-swing because of the lower costs and the appeal of the operational expense model over the capital expense model. Also, cloud computing provides access to the most modern technologies and allows remote provision of call center agents.