The cloud provides the ability to store large amounts of data. Research has now also shown that big data plays a major role in the growth of public cloud computing services.
According to a report from Technology Business Review Inc. (TBR), public cloud providers are using big data to drive their own operations, get new customers and expand product portfolios. According to the analysis, the turnover of the 50 leading public cloud providers increased by 47 percent to $6.2 billion in the fourth quarter compared with the same period last year.
The New Hampshire-based financial and technical research firm estimated that the rest public cloud providers other than top 50 grew 25% from the fourth quarter of 2012 to the fourth quarter of 2013 to be a $15.1 billion market.
The cloud acts as a structure to support big data. But why would you really want to make big data use? First, it is a fact that the amount of data really has grown in recent years and will continue to grow. Each company will therefore have to deal with big data. Second, companies also do well when they make use of big data. Moreover, it has been found that many cloud services meet the needs of customers when they offer big data solutions within the cloud.
TBR study compares the IaaS, SaaS and PaaS markets and found that companies are using big data to drive their business. In the SaaS side, companies such as and box use big data technology to track how customers use their products. They use statistics on the number of users, stored data sets, which modules are used and so on. Public cloud vendors also leveraging usage statistics such as seats deployed, data stored, modules used, how frequent usage is, and how people are accessing the tools, i.e. mobile vs desktop.
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Rackspace and GoGrid are building big data platforms for on IaaS front. These IaaS service providers are offering Hadoop, open source, and other NoSQL database tools that customers can utilize. Whereas, PaaS companies like HP, IBM are opening their products portfolio for developers to cater more to big data analytics tools. IBM is leveraging its Watson and Bluemix tool, while HP is opening up its Vertica and Autonomy products.
With the public cloud, the service providers are expanding their channel market sales to reach customers across different industries. These vendors are also expanding their relationships with consultants and system integrators to provide most effectively managed private cloud implementation.
Another recent study by RightScale found that cloud adoption is picking up steam as enterprises increase both public and private cloud adoption. More interestingly, enterprises have increased the adoption of public cloud services. Organizations indicate that the top benefits that they have already realized are greater scalability, faster access to infrastructure, higher availability, and faster time to market for applications.