The last changes to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach Rules had recently been released. Such rules were first implemented the summer of 2012. It also contains how cloud computing providers are to be treated by the healthcare industry. According to the HIPAA standard, the cloud vendors are business associates and as business associates…

Cloud computing has truly evolved from providing computing or storage resources to a more industry-specific community. Today, there are cloud instances to cater to each compliance and security requirements of a particular industry. Verizon has its cloud service which complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for the healthcare industry. Metal Lynx targets…

In October 2012, Oracle announced that it is set to introduce infrastructure-as-a-service systems so that organizations can implement in-house IaaS and pay for it monthly. The report said that it is not competing with Amazon Web Services but, instead, the company is offering on-premise systems as an alternative to buying Oracle applications. The said on-premise…

Boston and New York had recently declared a flu epidemic. In Beantown, there were about 700 reported cases wherein 18 people had already died. In order to keep things from being out of control, app developers and health officials turn to big data for help. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the organization primarily assigned…

Dennis Kavelman of Desire2Learn Inc. is brewing a perfect storm with the convergence of technological revolution and cloud computing in online education. According to him, the market is ready to explode. Based in Kitchener, Ontario, Desire2Learn is considered in the forefront of advanced mobile and software applications in the industry. It is estimated that some…

Data privacy and security are two of the main reasons why healthcare takes the slow route towards the adoption of new technologies. Experts believe that by 2017, the healthcare cloud computing market will be worth $5.4 billion. With cloud computing, different doctors can access a patient’s health records even if they’re miles apart. These physicians…

Google Apps has been widely recognized by business owners. It is commonly used for video and text messaging, slide show presentation, and collaborative document writing in the clouds. Introduced some 6 years ago, it was designed for tech start-ups and small enterprises. Google didn’t expect that large businesses will take notice of the software. Recent…

It isn’t possible to automate data science and decisions because they are dependent on domain expertise and human judgment. According to Columbia historian Matthew Jones, data science isn’t algorithms although it is dependent on it.  Data science can’t be reduced to articulated rules because experience and expertise belong to a particular domain and that data…