Cedexis launched today their unique CDN and Cloud performance reporting tool: “Which Cloud and/or CDN shall I chose for better delivery of my content and applications in a specific country?”
It’s a question all IT decision-makers ask themselves. To start answering it, Cedexis proposes a new data visualization interface available on: http://www.cedexis.com/country-reports/
Every day Cedexis publishes new country-by-country reports on the performance of IT providers (Hosting Companies, CDNs and Clouds) providing valuable information on the SOH (State Of Health) of their Internet services as end-users actually see them.
“This daily reporting tool is using billions of measurements generated by users surfing Cedexis’s customers sites every day. In addition, we have also added a feature to measure the performance, country-by-country, for content owners using multiple Clouds and CDNs” states Marty Kagan, CEO and co-founder of Cedexis.
Based on Cedexis data, Cedexis CDN is very interesting. Have you seen any independent/external test of their CDN ?