Crowd-sourcing as a concept is not new, and even its modern online iteration has been around for a while now, but as far as its uses are concerned, it was only taken advantage of by the entertainment sector, where fledgeling creators have used it to soften the risks associated with starting a commercial project, but…

By Louis Tetu, CEO of Coveo In the past several years, as cloud computing has become one of the top IT priorities, we can agree that, for the most part, we’ve overcome the primary concerns associated with the technology – security, reliability and performance. With these concerns at least partly alleviated, it’s important to now…

Project-based funding is being blamed for the problems arising in the jumbled mixture of operating systems, tools, and equipment in the conventional datacenter. According to Steve Kaplan’s post in By The Bell, the budgeting error is understandable when there are physical servers involved. However, with virtualization, it can cause a lot of problems to private…

Cedexis launched today their unique CDN and Cloud performance reporting tool: “Which Cloud and/or CDN shall I chose for better delivery of my content and applications in a specific country?” It’s a question all IT decision-makers ask themselves. To start answering it, Cedexis proposes a new data visualization interface available on: Every day Cedexis publishes…