The Linux Foundation announced the formation of R Consortium, with the intention of strengthening technical and user communities around the R language, the open source programming language for statistical data analysis. The new organization R Consortium became an official project of Linux Foundation and is designed to strengthen R language users.  It is expected that…

As part of the Open Consortium Interconnect, led in particular by Samsung, Intel and Cisco, published a first version of the Internet of Things (IoT) source code standard IoTivity. It will allow connected devices from different manufacturers to communicate and compete with AllJoyn standard, led by Qualcomm, Microsoft and LG. While it has been several months…

The operating system of most famous open source is gaining ground in business particularly in cloud computing, according to a report from the Linux Foundation and Yeoman Technology Group. The Linux Foundation has published a study called “2014 Enterprise End User Trends Report” that shows the steady growth of Linux in the market for large…

Cisco says that by 2020 there will be over 50 billion devices connected to the Internet, The connected devices will be not just computers, tablets or smartphones, but sunglasses, watches, cars or vending machines that will be able to guess your tastes. The Internet of Things (IoT) will generate revenues of $19 trillion dollars and…