The Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), established to promote trust, security and transparency within the sector, has launched its Code of Practice, following an extensive period of public consultation and piloting. (View “Transition to the Cloud: The case for a Code of Practice”)
The Cloud Industry Forum has been working on the development of the draft Code for over a year and asked for end users, providers and other stakeholders to participate in the consultation process by downloading the draft Code of Practice and providing feedback direct to CIF.
Over 200 organizations went through the process of reviewing the draft Code, which aims to eventually standardize and certify enterprises offering Cloud Computing services. The respondents came from across a broad range of industry sectors including service providers, software vendors, IT consultancies, industry bodies and analysts over a sustained two-month period.
CIF chairman and chief executive Andy Burton said: “What was critical in the development of the code was not only the process of public consultation but critically a period during which our members could pilot the Code of Practice itself. That has taken over four months, has raised a number of issues that had to be resolved relating to governance, transparency, capability and accountability, as well as detailed and comprehensive pilots being run by a number of CIF members.
“We firmly believe the market needs a credible and certifiable Code of Practice that provides transparency of cloud services such that consumers can have clarity and confidence in their choice of provider. The market now has that benchmark.”
Outsourcery joint chief executive and CIF member Piers Linney said: “The consensus from the Code of Practice consultation exercise was a major hurdle for increased adoption of the cloud by businesses is that organizations need clarity around what the service providers do and don’t offer. They also need to know what financial and operational substance there is behind these service providers and what assurances are in place in regard to security, confidentiality and service levels.”
“Put simply, organizations seeking to use these services need a straightforward form of certification or Code of Practice for potential suppliers that will accurately define the services offered and standards of operation and security. We see the launch of the Code today as key to driving up standards so that the industry and the customers both benefit.”
Source: Cloud Industry Forum