Microsoft plays a vital role in IT and it is now heavily involved in cloud computing. Most users find its cloud services to be influential, whereas some others are wrestling with the implications of cloud computing.
For some enterprises, cloud computing is a way to dodge from the traditional computer and software vendors. They realize that the value of cloud depend on how cloud services integrate with their own IT commitments and investments.
Microsoft’s Azure is the latest development software that allows developers to create applications for Cloud Computing. Azure is similar to Windows Server in the cloud. By extending the basic Microsoft SOA principles into cloud computing, it may provide the best cloud option available. It enables users to build, host and scale applications in Microsoft data centers.
Its value proposition revolves around the concept that users must create their enterprise IT infrastructure for peak load and high reliability operation. When normal data center elements won’t have the capacity to back up application resources, Microsoft’s Azure solution would work to achieve the necessary levels of availability. This solution fills enterprises processing needs.
Microsoft Azure implements service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts, including workflow management (the Azure Service Bus). It means that unlike most cloud architecture, Azure solution needs to be based on elastic workload sharing between the enterprise and the cloud.
The Azure Services Platform encompasses all of the cloud services that Microsoft is offering.
Components of Microsoft Azure
Multiple sub-platforms that Microsoft calls “Roles” are within Azure. These “Roles” are responsible for executing the code, and providing an implementation of the Azure APIs that you may be referencing. It consists of the Web Role, the Worker Role and the Machine Role.
The Web Role provides Internet access to Azure applications, allowing Azure apps to function as online services. The Worker Role is a Windows Server executable task that can make outbound connections as needed such as linking an Azure cloud application back to the enterprise data center via Azure Connect. The Virtual Machine Role serves as a host for any Windows Server applications that aren’t Azure-structured.
Microsoft’s vision of developing applications that are Azure-aware and taking advantage of the most architected hybrid cloud IT architecture available from a major supplier are clearly demonstrated. Most cloud services create hybrids in order to join resources that are not linked. Azure on the other hand creates linkable IT architecture. The Azure Platform Appliance, which makes data centers operate like Microsoft’s, can be used by cloud users. This offers a private cloud and virtualization architecture, including a manageable way of improving server utilization and application availability.
There’s a great chance that your entire Windows Server operation can migrate to a Virtual Machine Role within Azure if your data center is based substantially on Windows Server. Another thing is the integration of Windows Server applications among themselves and keeping your Windows Server licenses current.
Is Azure cloud platform right for you?
There are ways to determine if Azure can benefit you. Here are three important points to consider:
First, check how much of your IT application base is Virtual Machine Role-compatible. Azure migration would be favorable if there is very little or no application is compatible; and if you’re using of Linux and other operating systems. You will also find Azure unattractive if you have already created a major commitment to virtualization within your data center. Azure improves in-house efficiency and your in-house virtualization may have already given the benefit that Azure provides. Also, virtualization has a linking with Linux.
Next, ask how much of your application base either self-developed or based on Azure-compliant software is. Azure has an incomparable ability to transfer work within the “Azure” domain and the cloud. Azure will better serve your needs as you utilize this ability. Whereas, a large number of Windows Server applications that can’t be Azure compliant won’t be good to be able to justify an Azure migration.
Finally, answer this question – how committed to SOA is your current operation? Azure’s AppFabric is a SOA framework, with the Service Bus corresponding to a SOA Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) extended online.
Having no SOA implementation or knowledge can make it difficult to adopt Azure. Acquiring Microsoft-compatible SOA/ESB software products or components, you can make sure of moving towards Azure-specific applications and achieving Azure’s comprehensive benefits.
Azure is a revolutionary platform that will become more and more significant over time.