Huawei has officially announced the World’s fastest smartphone, the Ascend D quad. The quad-core smartphone runs on the Android 4.0 operating system and Huawei’s proprietary power management system. Boasting the most compact design among 4.5-inch smartphones, the Ascend D quad provides up to 30 per cent in energy savings.
“We’ve listened to people’s top demands from smartphones: speed, long-battery life, high quality visual and audio capabilities, and a compact, lightweight handset. The Huawei Ascend D quad exceeds these expectations,” said Richard Yu, Chairman of Huawei Device. “In January at the Consumer Electronics Show at Las Vegas, we achieved a world record for the world’s slimmest smartphone with the Huawei Ascend P1 S. We are proud to once again introduce a world-first at the 2012 Mobile World Congress with the Ascend D quad, the fastest smartphone.”
The Ascend D quad series will be available in China, Australia, Europe, Asia-Pacific, North and South America, and the Middle East in Q2 2012. The Ascend D1 will be available in the above markets from April 2012.