by Andi Mann Despite the inclination to wait until all of the cloud’s kinks have been worked out, holding off on cloud initiatives until the industry matures won’t guarantee success. The fact is, the greater an organization’s experience with cloud, the greater the benefits. This is one of the key findings in CA Technologies’ “TechInsights…

The exclusive club of billionaires cloud has a new member in its ranks:  Microsoft. Windows Azure, one of the four professional cloud services from Microsoft (with Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online, and Windows Intune), have over the last 12 months reached the symbolic first billion dollars in revenue. According to Microsoft, for the last six…

Cloud computing is catching on in business, but not all alike, as recent reports say. For example, the firm RightScale that mediates between users and public cloud services announced the latest analysis on the issue and found that 75 percent of respondents are using the cloud to some extent. Companies with more than 1000 employees…

Traders and users who want to use cloud, smartphones and tablets as mobile payment devices card processing should be cautious and wait for the availability of greater protection techniques. It is a recommendation of the PCI Security Standards Council, which considers that, in its current stage, these systems introduce new security challenges. The PCI Security…

Despite the many advantages provided by cloud computing technology, the rate of adoption among large enterprises has been surprisingly slow, especially when compared to the way SMEs have embraced the technology. The main reason for the slow rate of adoption is the fact that migrating to the cloud would generally require the discarding of many…

Red Hat was able to close a deal with ManageIQ last month for $104 million. With its new acquisition, the company will be able to strengthen its CloudForms infrastructure-as-a-service management tool. Meant to be offered as a “single pane of glass management” for private and public cloud infrastructures, Red Hat will be competing against VMware,…

The last changes to the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Enforcement and Breach Rules had recently been released. Such rules were first implemented the summer of 2012. It also contains how cloud computing providers are to be treated by the healthcare industry. According to the HIPAA standard, the cloud vendors are business associates and as business associates…

Data privacy and security are two of the main reasons why healthcare takes the slow route towards the adoption of new technologies. Experts believe that by 2017, the healthcare cloud computing market will be worth $5.4 billion. With cloud computing, different doctors can access a patient’s health records even if they’re miles apart. These physicians…

In a recent report titled the India Cloud Market Overview, the International Data Corporation (IDC) stated that the Indian cloud market has grown by 70 percent last year (2012), and is expected to exhibit a 50 percent growth rate for the next three more years. It is said that the Indian cloud market is rapidly…