– A Broker for the Cloud was built by A-Frame Technology Services, a brokerage service that matches companies seeking cloud services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) with cloud vendors. The company claims that is 100% success based and removed the risk involved in evaluating and implementing cloud services.

If you land on The website you’ll notice similarities with realty websites where they list properties but instead they profile more than 100 cloud vendors. This helps IT executives quickly search the market of quality cloud properties for their unique needs and IT environments.

The fees are also modeled after a standard realtor agreement and based on a “cloud brokerage agreement” equal to one or two months of the cloud rental fee.

How it works:’s agents work with clients as a “realtor” to match business requirements with best-fit cloud properties from plan to closing. The company uses the R.E.N.T. methodology which is particularly effective for large enterprise customers looking to move multiple applications to the cloud (e.g. Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, etc).

Dan Brennan, co-founder and Principal Partner at A-Frame Technology Services and Lead Broker at says “Although the economics of cloud computing are compelling, the market is fragmented, and we found that many businesses were inundated with varying viewpoints from their own research making it hard to make sound and timely decisions. Our methodology allows CIOs to quickly take advantage of cloud benefits without the risk.”

The R.E.N.T. methodology includes:

  • (R)eview the client’s current IT ecosystem, including application inventory, support organization, contracts, licenses, and facilities.
  • (E)valuate market opportunities that enable migration from current state to cloud alternatives.
  • (N)egotiate terms and conditions between buyer and seller.
  • (T)ransition to the cloud.

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