By Vic Nyman Several industry leaders have declared that 2013 will be The Year of the Hybrid Cloud. Cloud as a business concept has taken off – Amazon Web Services revenue is projected to grow to $3.8 Billion in 2013, with continued rapid growth projected for several years out.  Hybrid Cloud involves applications that combine…

GoDaddy is currently undergoing a significant transformation in their efforts to provide more value to customers, and probably as a way of keeping up with the rapid advancements in the field. The newest addition to their series of 21st century makeovers is the roll-out of a Content-Delivery Network, or CDN. What’s a CDN? Content-Delivery Networks…

VMware has recently invested $30 million on Puppet Labs, a cloud automation tools open-source vendor. With this investment, both companies agreed to form a partnership for them to work together to create application and infrastructure elements for Amazon Web Services, OpenStack, physical infrastructures, and VMware-based public and private clouds. VMware’s interest on Puppet Labs isn’t…

Red Hat was able to close a deal with ManageIQ last month for $104 million. With its new acquisition, the company will be able to strengthen its CloudForms infrastructure-as-a-service management tool. Meant to be offered as a “single pane of glass management” for private and public cloud infrastructures, Red Hat will be competing against VMware,…

Cloud Computing is taking off in various parts of the globe, partly because companies are now realizing the great potential of cloud computing technology when it comes to cost efficiency, productivity, agility, and operational flexibility. However, Canadian companies seem to be lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to the adoption of…

Cloud computing has truly evolved from providing computing or storage resources to a more industry-specific community. Today, there are cloud instances to cater to each compliance and security requirements of a particular industry. Verizon has its cloud service which complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for the healthcare industry. Metal Lynx targets…

Many people are under the misconception that cloud computing is only directly beneficial as a technology to IT professionals and CTOs, while artists and musicians only have use of it as peripheries that can be replaced by other tools or ignored entirely. However, the truth is that the cloud has actually been adopted in ways…

It isn’t possible to automate data science and decisions because they are dependent on domain expertise and human judgment. According to Columbia historian Matthew Jones, data science isn’t algorithms although it is dependent on it.  Data science can’t be reduced to articulated rules because experience and expertise belong to a particular domain and that data…

Those using the Amazon Web Services cloud services now have access to enhanced features to keep track of usage, which also means better control over spending. The new free features is called AWS Detailed Billing Reports and Consolidated Billing, which include the ability to break down usage costs by the hour and type of instance…