More and more enterprises investigate the hybrid cloud and think that it is their one-stop answer for their cloud IT solutions. Then only to realize that instead of providing the solutions it created a platform that has become very complex for them to handle.
These enterprise owners cannot be blamed because with hybrid cloud it gives them control over their data and processes. Hybrid cloud can provide an effective integration of the public and private cloud and give them the option where to assign the data and processes to be stored. Most cloud vendors take this as their selling point; they make it look so simple as drag and drop. They also talk about cloud technology as an easy way to integrate images, music and data files from the public cloud to the private cloud and vice versa.
The problem is, it is not that easy as a one-stop-shop of features and applications because there are a lot of things that need to be considered. One of which is the readiness of the enterprises’ IT framework and technology requirements. Most often cloud vendors highlight the migration features, but fail to make the company understand fully what they are getting into. They realize that they are already too deep into the problem, with budget running out and the system failing already.
The problems they are faced with is a result of lack of planning and technology foresight, business requirements and readiness, and knowledge about what are the benefits and limitations of the hybrid cloud. Even IT people who are not trained for the cloud environment are pressured to make the applications run only to find out that they are already in a mess.
To prevent this scenario to happen the business enterprise should seek an expert’s honest assessment of the company’s key requirements and if the hybrid cloud is indeed appropriate. The cloud vendor’s claims should not be taken just for what they claim and say; rather a proper technical evaluation of the current system must be accomplished.