- Zend Developer Pulse Survey on App Economy
Lingering recession, fierce global competition and the internet’s pervasiveness have created a perfect storm for tech innovation. To compete and win, today’s businesses must be more powerfully and productively engaged with customer, partner, supplier and employee communities, anytime and anywhere. The battle for market leadership is being waged on the web, and in the […]
- AT&T and OpenStack in Cloud PartnershipAT&T has closed a major partnership deal with OpenStack to provide an open-source cloud-based platform. This development was announced last January 9, 2012. AT&T is expected to give the project a big boost, while the company also benefits from the OpenStack cloud platform.OpenStack, an IaaS project was the brainchild of NASA and Rackspace […]
- Cloud Computing Mergers and Acquisitions
SaaS cannot put a stop to the cloud computing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the cloud services sector of the business, in fact, it is expected to balloon in the coming months. First on the line is Intermap’s move to acquire Voxel for $30 million, which was announced earlier last week. This first is […]
- The Future of (Mobile) Cloud Computing
“The cloud” has revolutionized from being a substance-free buzzword, into a buzzword that brings significance to businesses. Companies such as Google, Amazon and Salesforce led the way for this transformation during the past years. Cloud services at home, in the workplace and in enterprises has increased significantly. With this, mobile platforms are going to […]
- Traditional Databases Aren’t Ready for Big Data in the Cloud
By Robert Greene, VP of Technology, Versant Corporation
Big Data and cloud computing are on a clear collision course, bringing with them a wealth of opportunities if approached in the right way. As mobility becomes the embodiment of the digital lifestyle, data is flowing out of every crack and crevice, making cloud’s accessibility ideal […]
- Software, Internet & IT Infrastructure M&A Report: 2011
In this year of cautious optimism and grinding economic growth, it is safe to say that buying won in the proverbial buy versus build question. In 2010, many companies slashed costs and hoarded cash. However, in Q1 2011, the economy began to grow and growth expectations in the market elevated; as a result, equity […]
- 10 Cloud Computing Startups to Watch in 2012Cloud computing has obviously given business startups the boost it needs in 2011. Several companies such as RightScale, Hiroku and New Relic emerged and flourished with the cloud platform. In 2012, there will be other business startups that will leverage their business, but if there’s one thing they need to focus on it is […]
- Microsoft to Allow Linux Access on Windows AzureMicrosoft is preparing for its big plan for 2012 and that is allow some access for customer’s virtual machines (VM) to run on its Windows Azure. This means Linux customers can now use Microsoft’s Azure PaaS platform to run their VMs. This is expected to run on its test phase by spring of 2012 […]
- Top 5 Drivers For IT Decision Makers in 2012How are small and mid-market organizations responding to trends like cloud computing, mobile deployments and increasingly complex IT requirements? OS33 shares 5 Top IT drivers for SMB decision makers, giving insight into the factors that are influencing their IT budgets and purchasing decisions in 2012. This is a recommended read for all IT […]
- Mobile Cloud Update
The third quarter of 2012 can be considered as the most unpredictable period for the mobile services. Huge changes included Google’s decision to move to hardware market when it proposed a partnership with Motorola. Hewlett-Packard, on the other hand, shocked everyone when it announced it will discontinue production of phones and tablets that are […]
- Top 5 Predictions for Mobile Cloud ComputingA recent survey was made by Cisco IBSG (Internet Business Solutions Group) on the impact mobile cloud computing will have on businesses this coming 2012. The survey was conducted over 1,000 respondents from various businesses and the results were very interesting.The top 5 predictions from Cicsco IBSG was released via a cloud computing […]
- Thailand as a Cloud Service CenterThe United Sates and Taiwan recently had an agreement to spearhead the fee-for-service rental of cloud products and services for SMBs (Small and Medium sized Businesses) in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. This move is made to develop competitiveness among enterprises.US and Taiwan hopes to leverage their cloud solutions in the global […]