At this time of financial uncertainty, investors want to search for a winner and it’s to be expected. They don’t want to part with their hard-earned money only to find themselves losing in the end. Most of them will troop to Amazon because it’s been touted as the number one bookseller, even beating Barnes & Noble. However, a smart investor won’t necessarily invest in a front-liner. He will invest on a company which sells services not only to one particular front-liner but to all companies listed in the stock exchange.
Companies like AT&T, Verizon, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, SunGard, OpSource, Equinix, Amazon Web Services, and Rackspace are well known providers of centralized datacenters. With these companies, cloud computing is able to re-centralize IT resources. When it comes to storage, companies like Riverbed Technologies, Mozy, Dropbox, and Apple are leading the pack. Data storage in the clouds is made possible through the storage solutions being offered by these companies. Citrix and VMware are focusing on virtualization technology which is very useful in cloud-based solutions. On the other hand, Websense, Trend Micro, and Qualys all provide cloud-computing security to allay fears of data and even identity theft. For the most popular applications in the clouds, companies like Keynote Systems, Taleo, and Salesforce.con lead in this category.
In a recent publication by Wall Street Transcript, its Data Hosting Centers and Data Storage Report concluded that software security and data hosting companies are far more flexible in overcoming whatever tougher times may come in the future. For software security, these companies will thrive because threats are ever increasing and become more severe. These threats have also become focused on stealing intellectual property, money, and data. On the other hand, government agencies have instituted various regulations and compliance which put greater importance in security. Therefore, investors are encouraged to invest in software security companies in the stock exchange.
For data hosting and datacenter, trends like cloud computing, consumerization, and mobility are driving these companies to profitability. People are looking into applications which will enable them to run work and personal applications anytime, anywhere. Thus, cloud computing and internet growth are sustaining the demand for datacenters and data hosting services. It can be noted that even though there were difficult times in the last few years, the demand for data and online applications have not wavered. Thus, it can be concluded that companies offering datacenter and data hosting services are primarily advantaged in the stock market.