This year’s 20th Annual RSA conference, taking place in San Francisco next week, is set to center around cloud security. The conference will address the latest improvements in securing applications and data in the cloud; now that Cloud computing is a key resource for IT deployments.
RSA conference is a forum where companies gather and share their latest advancements in the area of IT security. Managed by RSA, the Security Division of EMC, the conference is scheduled for February 14-18, 2011 in San Francisco.
Here are some of the keynotes sessions pertaining to cloud computing:
The Future of Security in the Era of Cloud Computing – Live Discussion Using Twitter (#RSACcloud)
Keynote hosted by Philippe Courtot Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Qualys, Inc., Paul Saffo Technology Futurist and Consulting Associate Professor Stanford University, and Dave Cullinane Chief Information Security Officer eBay, Inc.
The session will use audience participation to interactively discuss how cloud computing is changing the security landscape. Topics and questions from the audience will be coming in live via twitter (#RSACcloud).
Trust in the Cloud: Proof not promises
Keynote hosted by Richard McAniff Chief Development Officer and Member of the Office of the President of VMWare, and Art Coviello President, RSA, The Security Division of EMC;
The session will center around innovative approaches towards a trusted cloud, hence the need of a secure foundation of dynamic controls and trustworthy measurements.
Secure This: Every Device, Every Cloud, Every Moment
Keynote hosted by Tom Gillis Vice President & General Manager, Security Technology Business Unit Cisco
This keynote will discuss how trusting the global network will make security transparent to every user and safer for every administrator, and to achieve this trust, the need for a new security model is essential with the rise of mobile devices, the cloud,and employees connected at all times.
For more info check out the RSA agenda at-a-glance.