Huawei Device Co Ltd announced on Wednesday the launch of its first mobile phone which offers a cloud-based service. Other Chinese companies have made the move in the past to apply cloud computing technology in smartphones including Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Baidu Inc.
The 3.7 inch touch screen mobile phone is called “Vision” and runs on the Android 2.3 operating system and is connected to Huawei’s cloud platform.
This Huawei service is similar to Appleās iCloud for iPhone users that was introduced in June at Apple’s annual developer summit and is set to launch the service in September.
The company plans to release to the Chinese market its cloud-based smartphones as soon as September, but stopped short at revealing its cost.
The revenue of Huawei Device for the first half reached $4.2 billion, up 64% from last year. In that same period, Huawei shipped 72 million mobile phones.